Tag Archives: Carb-free Monday

Don’t Cry over Spoiled Chicken

29 Jul

Don’t you just hate it when you go to the supermarket (Jubilee) and buy spoiled chicken? I know I do. I was so excited to try this salad recipe from Real Simple which feature chicken as the star protein, when low a behold I opened my chicken that I had just purchased and it smelt a little ammonia-ish. I googled “spoiled chicken ammonia” and of course the Internet said it might be spoiled. Being that I love my stomach and hate food poisoning, I decided to forgo the chicken. But I didn’t feel like going back out to the supermarket. It was super hot and already 9 o’clock. So what’s a girl to do? Alas, in my freezer was frozen hamburger patties from Fairway. I quickly ran them under hot water so they would thaw a little and stuck them on my grill pan, sprinkling salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder on top.

Crisis averted! But what do I eat with these?? It was carb-free Monday so I reverted back to the Real Simple recipe, except I made a few changes as I don’t eat milk and meat together and I did not have said chicken. So here it goes:

2 cups Spinach (I get pre- washed, that’s how lazy I am)

1 avocado

2 corn on the cobs

¼ red onion chopped

½ lime

2 hamburger patties

salt and pepper to taste

1.Cut corn off the cob and microwave for 60 seconds.

2. Plate spinach, avocado, onion and corn and lie hamburger on top of salad.

3. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Squeeze lime on top of salad.

I enjoy a “grapefruit spritzer” on the side. Just a mixture of grapefruit juice and lemon/lime seltzer.


Doesn’t this look like a vacation in a meal? Where’s the pool?